A New Chapter of the JRCLS in Cali, Colombia

On April 23, 2024, members and supporters gathered to inaugurate the Cali, Colombia Chapter of the J. Reuben Clark Society. The event was attended by several lawyers from different religious denominations, who share the purpose of serving the greater Cali community and promoting the protection of human rights.

David Garner, International Chair of JRCLS, joined the meeting virtually and encouraged the chapter's new members to keep in mind JRCLS' mission of promoting fairness and virtue through public service and professional excellence.

In addition, Cristina Ortega, South America Northwest Area Chair, attended in person to meet the new members of the chapter, answer their questions, share experiences about other chapters and collaborate in organizing the board of directors.

Elder Harold Truque, who serves as Area Authority Seventy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the South America Northwest Area, was appointed as Chapter President. A vice president, secretary and members of the board of directors for women in law, religious freedom, communications, and events, among others, were also elected.